Sunday, November 19, 2017

New World Order, Luke Meyer, Andrew Neel (2009, 90 minutes), Wednesday, November 22, 7:00 PM, Church of the Messiah (614 N. Bush Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701), Upper Room.

Excerpts from the documentary New World Order will be paired with recent videos taking us into the world of conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones with his Infowars franchise. The 9/11 Truth movement is a focus. Be prepared for a journey through the looking glass to a view of current events we may have never experienced.


Official Site:

Lev Grossman Article:,9171,1531304,00.html

Lunch at the Courtard: Messiah's Homeless Ministry, November 26, 11:45 AM

Lunch at the Courtyard, Sunday, November 26, 11:45 AM, Episcopal Church of the Messiah (click for map).

Immediately following the 10:15 service the Messiah community and all interested persons will go out to the homeless shelter at the Courtyard to serve lunch. If you plan to come and/or bring food, please contact Lou Chapin at

Entrees, salads, fresh fruits, dinner rolls, and desserts are usually needed for this large lunch service, as are volunteers to serve the food. It is best to coordinate food donations with the organizers to make sure we have enough of everything. Cash donations are also welcome and will be used wisely in shopping for food on the Saturday preceding.